A constant supply of clean, fresh glassware is a must-have for every hotel, bar or restaurant that’s out to uphold a professional image to guests. This is whrere glass washers come in handy, even with extra busy shifts. In essence, they are designed for maximum care of your valuables while still cleaning efficiently. For instance, they clean at lower temperatures because of the delicacy of glassware. You might be thinking; why get a glass-washer unit when a three-brush unit, powered unit or dishwasher can do the same job? KissKleen glasswashers are an added advantage to you in many ways.
First; they cost less than a powered unit or an under counter dishwasher and they are designed to clean both the inside and outside of the glass. Dirty glassware doesn’t bode well with your customers and result in drinks being returned, which affects both your profit and reputation.
Glasswashers save you a great amount of time for they clean two glasses at a go, removing greasy residues, lipstick marks and even pulp the first time. You also get to save money, now that beverage costs are greatly reduced by eliminating reports that come with returned drinks. Moreover, you cut on your water bill since rewashing is eliminated. Click on this link for more info: https://kisskleen.com.
These glass washers are also very reliable for they don’t use electricity hence very easy to use. They have no moving parts so no assembly or maintenance. This simple design means no extensive training is needed before using it. With glass washers, the hassle of using harsh chemicals is eliminated ensuring that your expensive beer, wine and spirits have no residue spoiling them. This device also doubles up as a pre-scrub for dishwashers, especially to get rid of lipstick residue and other greasy stains.
Glass washers are especially ideal for bars and tight spaces for some clean up to 2000 glasses per hour, producing pristine glasses each time. Before getting a glass washer, you should be clear on the number of glasses you want to wash in one cycle. You should likewise consider whether or not you need a gravity drain version of a glass washer or a drain pump version of the awesome machine. This is vital because a large amount of water drains away to wastage during a rinse cycle. If your drainage pipe is too close to the washer’s outlet then you might have problems with your drainage. Click here for details about these products: https://www.britannica.com/art/glassware.